DWCSJ News - Mond, February 08, 2021
The Office of Student Affairs conducted the Gender and Development webinar for the college students last January 20, 2021. This webinar was attended by a total of 190 students from different departments via Zoom platform.
The webinar aims to introduce the participants to the foundations of gender awareness; to recognize how socialization operates across the lifecycle, and how this determines the gender roles of girls and boys, women and men; and to explore the strength of gender stereotypes and the potential for transformation of gender equitable behaviors.
The guest speaker, Ms. Jacqui Lyn Patrimonio-Calaranan, who is a registered nurse and Community Development Facilitator of Plan International, Philippines, emphasizes that gender awareness is of 3Ps namely: It is Personal, it is a Process and it has a Purpose. It is personal since you will determine and challenge your own attitude and behavior. It is a process because understanding gender stereotypes will mean you learn, unlearn and re-learn about the meaning of gender in your own lives. And lastly, it has a purpose and that is to promote gender equality as we interact with other people.
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